- 2024
- 27-29 November
- Presentation 'spaces of simultaneity' at 'Ecologies of Architecture and Dance', Ghent
- 22+23 June
- 'LATE' at Storkower Strass 115, Berlin (premiere)
- 14 June
- Panel 'Dramaturgies of Access' at GTW-Kongresses 'Offene Räume', Leipzig
- 4-16 June
- Research residency 'All late, all babe', Saari residence
- 24-28 May
- Workshop at HKS Ottersberg
- 2023
- 20 October
- Research presentation 'All late, all babe', National Taiwan University of Arts
- 17-30 October
- Research residency 'All late, all babe', PACT Zollverein
- 21 September
- Research presentation 'All late, all babe at University of the Arts Helsinki
- 9+10 June
- Conference presentation 'Speculative teaching learning' at 'How artists teach', Glasgow
- 19 May
- Research presentation 'All late, all babe', Studio Turmstrasse Berlin
- 11,12,13,14 May
- 'Yum Yum' by Dasniya Sommer at Ballhaus Ost Berlin
- 5 Februar
- release of project series "decolonized glamour talks" by Lara-Sophie Milagro at Gorki Berlin
- 2022
- 5-11 December
- tpa presentation at Jicon, Indonesion Dance Festival, Jakarta
- August
- Online Release "But as I fall asleep at night and slowly emerge to waking life in the morning, I think about how I will navigate", Nivel 18
- 24 June
- Replay Release 'Konturen / Contours' at Heizhaus Uferstudios
- 10 April
- Release 'But as I fall asleep at night and slowly emerge to waking life in the morning I think about how I will navigate, a conversation between Juli Reinartz, Liz Rosenfeld and Tanja Erhart'. Published by the Theatre Academy, Performing Arts Research Centre (Tutke), University of the Arts Helsinki
- 2021
- 1 & 2 October
- 'Heating Access' in the frame of 'Heating cycles' by PSR
- 18 September
- 'YES CONTOURS TIME DISORIENTATION XT', public exam of research project 'Yes, address me as a location' at Performing Arts Research Centre Tutke, Uniarts Helsinki
- 24 July
- Radio Project at 'Tanznacht Berlin'
- 4 June
- Workshop at 'Heating Bodies' by PSR collective
- 22 May
- 'But as I fall asleep at night and slowly emerge to waking life in the morning, I think about how I will navigate' (in collaboration with Liz Rosenfeld and Tanja Erhart) at OUR DANCE - the living room edition
- 2020
- 13 November
- 'How it feels like' at Heizhaus Berlin
- 31 October
- Release 'Konturen' at Heizhaus Berlin
- 15 October-15 November
- 'How it feels like', residency in the frame of 'Our Dance'
First artistic part of 'Yes, address me a location' at Uniarts Helsinki - 1-18 August
- Shooting 'Konturen'
- 2 April
- 'Konturen' hosted by Making A Difference at Podewil Berlin
- 2 March
- 'Little disasters' at Tanzbüro Berlin
- 10 February - 2 April
- Workshop 'Konturen' hosted by Making A Difference
- 2019
- 18 - 21 December
- 'Aftershow' at Theater Thikwa
- 12 - 14 December
- 'Aftershow' at Theater Thikwa
- 11 December
- Premiere 'Aftershow' at Theater Thikwa
- 14 September
- Show 'Supergrün' at Theater Vorpommern, Putbus
- 11/12 September
- Shows 'Supergrün' at Theater Vorpommern, Stralsund
- 7 September
- Show 'Supergrün' at Vorpommern, Theater Greifswald
- 6 September
- Premiere 'Supergrün' at Theater Vorpommern, Greifswald
- 9 - 22 April
- Residency of 'Belle Danse' at PACT Zollverein
- 18 March
- Danceoke at Tanzparty
- 19 February
- 'public research' at Vierte Welt, in conversation with Gerko Egert
- 1/2 February
- Workshop in 'Ecology of Techniques', University of Applied Theater Studies Gießen initiated by Gerko Egert
- 17 December
- Danceoke at Tanzparty
- 1 - 9 November
- 'You said you'd give it to me - soon as you were free' at Social Muscle Club US Tour
Trilogy Community, Palm Springs / Counter Pulse, San Francisco /
Bootleg Theater, Los Angeles - 3 September
- Danceoke at Tanzparty
- 26 & 27 August
- 'You said you'd give it to me - soon as you were free' at Tanznacht Berlin
- 27 June
- Danceoke at Tanzparty
- 25 April
- Social Muscle Club at Theater o.N.
- 31 March
- Artist Talk at LUCKY TRIMMER e.V., Sophiensaele
- 19 March
- Danceoke at Tanzparty
- 2 March
- Artist Talk at 'Matters of Engagement' 6th Dance Education Biennale
- 17 - 20 January
- Re-play 'Tanzabend 4' with Theater Thikwa
- 1 / 2 December
- 'You said you'd give it to me - soon as you were free' at Fine Selection - special edition, MDT Stockholm
- 15 - 18 November
- 'Tanzabend 4' with Theater Thikwa
- 4 / 5 November
- 'You said you'd give it to me - soon as you were free' at Open Spaces, Tanzfabrik Berlin
- 1 - 4
- 'Tanzabend 4' with Theater Thikwa (Premiere)
- 1 - 8 August
- Imaginary Performance House initiated by Peter Stamer with Ofelia Jarl Ortega, Vladimir Miller, Lyndsey Housden, Dusan Muric, Milan Markovic Matthis, Viktorija Ilioska
- 16 June
- Workshop 'Fabulation' with Julia Bee, Gerko Egert and Rebecka Ladewig at Bauhaus Universität Weimar
- 11 & 12 May
- 'Social Odyssee' by Social Muscle Club at Theatertreffen
- 15 March
- Danceoke at Tanzparty Uferstudios, Berlin
- 10 March
- 'You said you'd give it to me - soon as you were free' at Something Raw (Frascati), Amsterdam
- 8 March
- Presentation of 'Body electric' at LADA, London
- 3 / 4 February
- 'You said you'd give it to me - soon as you were free' at Atalante, Gothenburg
- 30 January & 1st February
- 'You said you'd give it to me - soon as you were free' at Danssationen, Malmö
- 21 January
- 'Social Bootcamp' Social Muscle Club at Sophiensaele Berlin
- 11 November
- Premiere 'My body is a field for tomorrow's battles' by Rose Beermann at Sophiensäle Berlin
- 30 September - 3 October
- 'The perfect robbery' in collaboration with Tea Tupajic at AUSUFERN Berlin
- 21 - 24 September
- 'You said you'd give it to me - soon as you were free' at MDT Stockholm (Premiere)
- 1 August
- Danceoke at Tanzparty Uferstudios Berlin
- 10 June
- Workshop 'Body electric' at m-cult, Helsinki
- 30 May
- Danceoke at Berlin Mondiale, Uferstudios Berlin
- 6 / 7 / 14 / 20 / 21 May
- Workshop 'Practical Dance History' at Institut für Theaterwissenschaften, FU Berlin
- 19 April
- 'The Bodies We Are_A speculation on utopian bodies', research project initiated by Antje Velsinger, Kampnagel Hamburg
- 16 March
- 'Atlantic' at Miami, Uferstudios Berlin
- 7 March
- Danceoke at Berlin Mondiale, Uferstudios Berlin
- 6 February
- Workshop Day 'International Notice', Vierte Welt Berlin
- 20 December
- Open rehearsal of 'Research and development' at MDT Stockholm
- 30 November
- Danceoke at Berlin Mondiale, Uferstudios Berlin
- 21 – 24 October
- 'drawnonward' in collaboration with Jeremy Wade at HAU 3 Berlin
- 4 September
- Lecture on queer science fiction at Tanzlabor 21 Frankfurt
- 29 August
- 'Together Forever' by Jeremy Wade at Tanzlabor 21 Frankfurt
- 27 August - 6 September
- 'drawnonward'-Workshop at Tanzlabor 21 Frankfurt
- 5 June
- 'Alice' at Theatertreffen Berlin
- 25 April
- 'Art that is work that is organization that is politics' at Weld Stockholm
- 21 March
- 'Alice' at Bürgerbühnenfestival Mannheim
- 8 February
- Premiere 'Alice' at Deutsches Theater Berlin
- January - Feruary
- Workshop 'Practicing Dance History' at FU Berlin
- 6 January
- 'Practice' in collaboration with Gerko Egert initiated by Social Muscle Club at Uferstudios Berlin
- 5 + 6 December
- 'Atlantic' at Another Fine Selection Stockholm
- 1 December
- 'Atlantic' at Nordic House Torshavn
- 29 November
- 'Atlantic' at Reykjavik Dance Festival
- 8 November
- 'Romantic Afternoon' by Billinger/Schulz at NU Dans Festival Bratislava
- 19 October
- 'The Last Party' at Amorph!14 Helsinki
- 16 - 19 October
- 'Regional Geography', solo version of 'Really Good Music', at Amoprh! Helsinki
- 14 – 16 August
- Workshop at 'Dont trust your eyes!', die börse Wuppertal
- 4 + 5 June
- Premiere 'Really Good Music' at MDT Stockholm
- 14 March
- Panel 'Danserisk samtale' at Black Box Theater Oslo
- 13 -14 March
- 'We are not in this together yet' at International Theater Festival Oslo
- 17 + 18 January
- 'Romantic Afternoon' by Billinger/Schulz at Pumpenhaus Münster
- 4 + 5 December
- 'Atlantic at Dans <3 Stockholm
- 27 + 28 September
- Premiere 'Atlantic' at Anti-Festival Kuopio
- 25 July
- 'Giselle' by Halla Olafsdottir and Jon Moström at Uferstudios Berlin
- June
- 'Catch A Sleepless Fish' in Frakcija
- 23 June
- Residency showing 'Atlantic' at WASP Bucharest
- 22 May
- Residency showing 'Really Good Music' MDT
- 11 May
- 'Romantic Afternoon' by Billnger/Schulz at Passage Recherche Festival Weimar
- 20 April
- 'BAND' by Ingri Fiksdal at MDT Stockholm
- 1 March
- Residency Showing 'Atlantic' Dansverkstaedis Reykjavik
- September 2012-May 2013
- Research residency 'Really Good Music' at Royal Institute of Art Stockholm
- 29 November - 1 December
- 'Romantic Afternoon' by Billinger/Schulz at studiobühne Köln
- 19 October
- 'We are not in this together yet' at Kiasma Helsinki
- 21 + 22 September
- 'Pressure and Velocity' at MDT Stockholm (Premiere)
- September 2012 - May 2013
- Research residency 'Really Good Music' at Royal Institute of Art Stockholm
- 21 – 31 August
- 'A Series of Event' Reykjavik Dance Festival
- 25 August
- 'sommer.talks' by Kerstin Schroth at Tanznacht Berlin
- 9 + 10 February
- 'Romantic Afternoon' by Billinger/Schulz at Ringlokschuppen Mülheim
- 30 January
- 'The Coming Boogie Woogie' published by mychoreography
- 9 December
- Premiere 'We are not in this together yet' at MDT Stockholm
- 27 November
- 'Walking my dragon' by Two Fish at Uferstudios Berlin
- 24 May
- 'One on One' in Ok Shows Kids Returns at MDT
- March-June
- 'Romantic Afternoon' by Billinger/Schulz at Freischwimmer Festival
- 15, 16 + 17 April
- 'Unfolding' by Anna Koch at Moderna Museet Stockholm
- January – December
- Studies of choreography at 'mychoreography' DOCH Stockholm
- 19 September
- 'la fabrique du commun' in collaboration with kom.post at 104 Paris
- 4 February
- 'project' by Xavier LeRoy and Mårten Spångberg at DOCH Stockholm
- January – December
- Studies of choreography at 'mychoreography' DOCH Stockholm
- 30 October
- 'Walking My Dragon' by Two Fish at HAU 3 Berlin
- 24 May
- 'precarious intimacy' as video installation at 104 Paris
- 5 + 6 January
- 'precarious intimacy' at Tanztage Berlin
- 30 July
- research showing 'precarious intimacy' at summer residency Tanzhaus NRW
- 12 June
- 'A Right Amount of Me' in collaboration with Uri Turkenich at Feld 6 Dock 11 Berlin
- 10 + 11 January
- 'precarious beauty' at Tanztage Berlin