But as I fall asleep at night and slowly emerge to waking life in the morning, I think about how I will navigate

A collaboration between Liz Rosenfeld, Tanja Erhart & Juli Reinartz
Public reading in the frame of OUR DANCE - the living room edition at Heizhaus Berlin

Hello, welcome everybody. My name is Juli Reinartz and I am the first one to speak for “But as I fall asleep at night and slowly emerge to waking life in the morning, I think about how I will navigate”. I am sitting in a half dark big and very high space in the rear end of Uferstudios in Berlin into which the sunlight send its last glows of the day through big windows. I am middle aged and wear long hair because I love the feeling of wind in it. Because we leave the door open in the space, there is a little bit of wind coming in once in a while.
Next to me / Near are Andreas, Igor, Hanna who deal with technical issues of the actual and of the zoom space and then there is Camille who documents with a camera. Good to have you all around.
Also here, in different ways are my collaborators Liz Rosenfeld and Tanja Erhart. We are about to read a conversation to you that we have been writing in the past weeks about time - performance and body times. We have been thinking about how to spend time together when all our body times are different. We, or specifically me, were interested in the concept of crip time not only as a working mode but as a way to make unified, composed times of performance shiver. This brought us to the idea of speaking about times we can share and time we cannot really share.
We are doing that during the time of sunset because sunset is a little bit out of time as well, a moment that feels like a time between the last and the next day, a time I think about what was and what will be. Or as Liz said in the conversation: But as I fall asleep at night and slowly emerge to waking life in the morning, I think about how I will navigate.
It is a time that is most unsynched
A time to wander your mind
A time to wander your body
A time to watch or listen to performances
To have dinner
To sit on a fire site
To call someone
To fall asleep
To stare on the wall
To answer long ignored emails
To be intimate
To fuck
To organise feelings
To make plans
To watch shitty series on Netflix
To go through papers
To rest the gaze on the unread books on my table
To feel powerful
To feel powerless
A time I look out my window when letting new air in and seeing people on the other side on the street doing indefinite things like me

Seeing that this is the time of indefinite time spending, you are most welcome to be with us while doing other things as well, to navigate yourself somehow into the night and let times fall apart a bit. Maybe we meet somewhere.

Supported by Bezirksamt MItte von Berlin and Theater Academy Helsinki / Nivel Magazine